What types of noise does the electric rock loader have?

What types of noise does the electric rock loader have?

Each individual produces a voice that is unique to us, and this is what defines us. For mechanical equipment that fails, the noise for each failure can also be unique. Therefore, we can analyze and solve the problem of the electric rock loader from the aspect of listening to the noise.

The noise on the electric rock loader can be divided into three categories according to its generation mechanism, namely aerodynamic noise, combustion noise and mechanical noise. The aerodynamic noise in the exhaust system is usually the main noise source. Generally speaking, if the exhaust noise of the diesel engine can be effectively reduced, the total noise level of the rock loader can be greatly reduced.

Under normal circumstances, the noise of the electric rock loader rises linearly with the increase of its speed. For example, the noise increases by 30dB (A) for each 10-fold increase in the speed of an aspirated four-stroke rock loader. For every 10 times increase in speed of the four-stroke supercharged rock loader, the noise increase is 40dB. If there is a noise peak during the acceleration process, it is the problem in the identification of the noise source. 1/3 octave spectrum analysis can be used to preliminarily identify the main noise components.

Everything has its own unique and exclusive characteristics, and noise has slowly become evidence to solve these problems. If our electric rock loader breaks down, we might as well try the audio recognition method.