What Called a Mining Locomotive?

The mining locomotive is a common transportation equipment that applied in mine ground or underground. It can be used as a main or an auxiliary transportation tool accroding to the different size of the tunnels. It is mostly used for the transportation of ore, materials and manpower where the track is laid. And it usually used in conjunction with equipment such as mine carts, flatbed trucks and people’s vehicles.

While the mining locomotive have 3 types: battery locomotives, trolley wire locomotive and dual power electric locomotive(that is a combination of battery and trolley).  Please follow me and know their difference.

  1. Mining Battery Locomotive, as know it used lead acid battery or lithium battery for its power supply, it have the advantages of flexible, no electricity requires, it also with the function of explosion-proof, so it can be used in the coal mines or the place with gas. The traction force can be from 25 ton to 120 ton, but it only suitable for a short distance transportation.

Battery Powered Electric Locomotive

Model: CTY 2.5 Ton to 15 Ton, Loading capacity from 25-120ton

2. Mine trolley Wire ELectric Locomotive, as know it powered by the overhead wires, the voltage be 250v or 550v, this kind of mining locomotive with huge traction from 15 ton to 14 ton and suitable for a long distance transportation.

mine trolley locomotive3


 Mine Trolley Wire Electric Locomotive

Model: CJY1.5 Ton to 14 Ton, Voltage 250v or 550v, loading capacity from 15ton-140ton

3. Mine dual power ELectric Locomotive, as know it can be powered both by the overhead wires and batteries. It belong to a customized product with different application purpose. 

mine dual power locomotive


 Dual Power Electric locomotive(battery-trolley)

The model need to be customized

Those are all the introduction of the mining locomotive, do you know it? For any other thing you need you know please  feel free to give us a feedback.