What are the requirements for building a charging room for mining electric locomotives underground?

What are the requirements for building a charging room for mining electric locomotives underground?

The working environment of underground locomotives is mainly underground. Some underground electric locomotives will not come out of the well even after going down. Supporting facilities such as charging rooms also need to be established underground. What are the requirements for the underground charging room?

First, different types of batteries cannot share a charging chamber.

Secondly, the equipment used in the underground charging room must be explosion-proof.

Then the charging compartment must involve separate ventilation ducts. It is necessary to ensure that the concentration of explosive gases such as hydrogen and methane in the charging chamber is less than 0.5%. If only electric locomotives of 5 tons and below are charged in the charging room. Then the ventilation system can be shared with the mine.

Finally, all safety facilities and handling equipment in the charging room should be complete and ensure that they can work normally. Such as gas power failure instrument, lifting equipment, thermometer, density meter, electric meter, etc. At the same time, there should be a water source or sufficient water storage in the charging room.

The above is the requirement for setting up the underground electric locomotive charging room.