What Are the Disadvantages of Using Electric Braking in Xiangtan Mining Electric Locomotives?

What Are the Disadvantages of Using Electric Braking in Xiangtan Mining Electric Locomotives?

While electric braking is commonly used in mining electric locomotives, it does have some drawbacks that limit its effectiveness. Here are the key disadvantages:

Limited to Deceleration, Not Full Stop: Electric braking in mining electric locomotives is not capable of bringing the locomotive to an immediate stop. It is only suitable for deceleration. In other words, once the locomotive’s speed drops below a certain threshold, the motor can no longer be excited, making electric braking ineffective at very low speeds.

Potential for High Current and Voltage: Electric braking serves as an auxiliary emergency braking system. However, if the operator does not follow proper procedures, it may generate high current and high voltage, which can have a detrimental effect on the motor.

These disadvantages highlight the limitations of electric braking in Xiangtan mining electric locomotives, making it important to understand its proper application and limitations.