The lithium battery used in 2.5 ton lithium battery electric locomotive needs to be routinely maintained and repaired in accordance with the management regulations, and the mine generally equips each 2.5 ton lithium battery electric locomotive with at least two lithium batteries. In this way, there are sometimes idle backup lithium batteries. Do these idle backup lithium batteries need maintenance? What kind of maintenance is required?
The answer is yes. Batteries have self-discharge phenomenon, even if lithium batteries are not used for a long time, the power will gradually decrease. In a long-term low-power state, the lithium battery will not only reduce the capacity, but even fail to charge. Lithium batteries that will not be used for a long time should be placed in a cool and dry place after charging and keep the lithium battery and the environment clean, because temperature and humidity will affect the self-discharge rate of the lithium battery. In addition, charge it at least once a month, and if possible, use it before charging to ensure that the lithium battery is as functional as possible.