What are the methods for maintaining batteries for explosion-proof mining electric locomotives?

What are the methods for maintaining batteries for explosion-proof mining electric locomotives?

The battery of a explosion-proof mining electric locomotive serves as its primary power source. Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the safety and reliability of the electric locomotive. Here’s a detailed guide to the daily maintenance of explosion-proof mining electric locomotive batteries:

General Inspection Items

Battery Connections and Terminals: Inspect for any breaks, melting, or damage.

Rubber Insulation: Ensure there is no damage and that the terminals and live parts are not exposed.

Battery Group: Check for any short circuits.

Battery Tray and Cover: Verify there are no damages causing acid leaks. Ensure that special plugs are not missing or damaged, and that the battery sealant is intact.

Leakage Current: Weekly inspections should confirm that the leakage current does not exceed the specified value.

Power Supply Connector: Ensure it is in good condition.

Battery Box and Cover: Verify there are no severe deformations.

Inspection and Maintenance of Explosion-Proof Power Supply Devices

Battery Terminals: Ensure they are connected correctly, with a minimum distance of 35mm between terminals and a minimum distance of 10mm between exposed connections and the casing.

Insulation Resistance of Battery Casing: Must be greater than 0.5MΩ.

Leakage Current to Casing: Should comply with the specified standards.

Electrolyte Spillage: Clean the battery box with water and drain the water using the drain valve if any electrolyte has spilled.

Daily Inspections: Check battery terminals, nuts, and connecting wires for looseness or damage.

Battery Damage: Check for delamination, cracks, or acid leaks and replace the battery if necessary.

Hydrogen Concentration: Monitor the hydrogen concentration in the explosion-proof power supply device daily. If it exceeds 1%, stop operation.

Catalyst: Check for moisture or damage daily.

Garage Charging Room: Monitor the methane and hydrogen concentrations. Methane concentration must be less than 0.5% and hydrogen concentration must be below 0.5%.

Charging Precautions for Explosion-Proof Batteries

Power Connection: Connect the power plug before taking the battery out of storage. Avoid overheating.

Internal Hydrogen Content: Ensure the internal hydrogen content is below 3% before opening the cover. If it exceeds 3%, take appropriate measures. Do not charge with the cover closed.

Charging Observation: Monitor the battery for vigorous bubbling, indicating a full charge. Disconnect power and wait 1-2 hours before closing the cover. Do not charge with the acid-resistant cap.

Uncharged Batteries: Do not close the explosion-proof cover if the battery is not in use. When closing the cover, connect the electric heater plug first.

Explosion-Proof Battery Covers: Ensure the locking device is secured before taking the battery out of storage.

Proper maintenance of explosion-proof mining electric locomotive batteries is critical for ensuring the safety and reliability of the electric locomotive. By following these guidelines and conducting regular inspections, you can prolong the life of your batteries and minimize the risk of accidents.