How many mine cars can a 10 ton trolley electric locomotive pull?

How many mine cars can a 10 ton trolley electric locomotive pull?

In the bustling world of underground mining operations, 10-ton trolley locomotives play a crucial role in transporting materials and ensuring efficient workflow. Drawing power from overhead catenary wires, these locomotives offer a reliable and cost-effective means of haulage. But just how many mine cars can a 10-ton trolley locomotive pull?

Based on practical experience, a 10-ton trolley locomotive can typically tow approximately 100 tons of cargo (excluding the locomotive’s own weight) on a 3‰ gradient. Considering a 4 cubic meter side-dump mine car, its payload is around 10 tons, and its self-weight is approximately 4 tons. Therefore, a fully loaded mine car weighs around 14 tons.

Given the locomotive’s net towing capacity of 90 tons (100 tons total towing capacity minus 10 tons locomotive weight), it can pull approximately 6.4 sets of 4 cubic meter mine cars.

The Calculation Breakdown:

Weight of each fully loaded mine car: 14 tons

Net weight a 10-ton trolley locomotive can tow: 90 tons (100 tons total towing capacity minus 10 tons locomotive weight)

Number of 4 cubic meter mine cars: 90 tons ÷ 14 tons/car ≈ 6.4 cars
This estimation is based on the weight of a standard side-dump mine car. The actual number of mine cars that a 10-ton trolley locomotive can pull may vary depending on the specific weight of the loaded mine cars.

In real-world operations, it’s essential to consider the actual payload of the mine cars to ensure efficient and safe transportation. Additionally, factors such as track conditions, gradient, and locomotive performance may influence the hauling capacity.

The estimated haulage capacity of 4 cubic meter mine cars for a 10-ton trolley locomotive serves as a valuable reference for mine operators. By carefully evaluating the specific conditions and requirements of their operations, mine managers can make informed decisions regarding locomotive utilization and transportation planning.