What are the battery requirements for Xiangtan battery electric locomotives?

What are the battery requirements for Xiangtan battery electric locomotives?

Batteries are a critical component of the Xiangtan battery electric locomotive, and adherence to specific requirements ensures their safe and efficient operation.

1. Polarity and Connections:
The battery cell poles must not be connected in reverse, and the distance between poles should not be less than 35mm. The exposed portion of the connecting lines between poles and the casing should maintain a distance not less than 10mm.

2. Insulation Resistance:
The insulation resistance of the battery cell casing must not be less than 0.5MΩ.

3. Leakage Current:
The leakage current from the battery cell casing to the exterior should meet the specified standards.

4. Electrolyte Spillage:
In the event of electrolyte spillage, it should be promptly rinsed with water, and the water drained using the acid discharge valve.

5. Regular Inspection:
Each shift should include an inspection of the battery cell poles, nuts, and connecting lines. Any signs of looseness or damage should be addressed promptly.

6. Replacement Criteria:
Batteries showing signs of opening glue, casing cracks, or acid leakage should be replaced to maintain optimal performance and safety.

Adhering to these battery requirements ensures the reliable and safe operation of the Xiangtan electric locomotive in various operational conditions. Regular inspections and timely replacements contribute to the longevity and efficiency of the battery system.