10-Ton Xiangtan Trolley Locomotives and ZQ-21 Traction Motors Shipment

10-Ton Xiangtan Trolley Locomotives and ZQ-21 Traction Motors Shipment.

A batch of mining machinery and equipment is being sent overseas to meet the needs of client’s mine. This shipment includes four 10-ton Xiangtan trolley locomotives, renowned for their reliability and performance in underground mines. These electric locomotives are highly regarded for their capacity to handle heavy loads and navigate challenging terrains efficiently.

In addition to the electric locomotives, the shipment contains eight ZQ-21 DC traction motors. These motors are essential components in mining machinery, providing the power needed to move substantial loads with precision and control. Known for their durability and performance, the ZQ-21 motors are a valuable asset in various mining applications.

This international delivery underscores Xiangtan’s commitment to serving the global mining industry. The 10-ton trolley electric locomotives and ZQ-21 traction motors are set to make a significant impact on mining operations across continents. This equipment’s journey overseas represents the expanding reach of Xiangtan’s mining solutions on a global scale.