Shipment of 14 ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors

ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors

Shipment of 14 ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors.

The 14 ZQ-21 mining DC traction motors, known for their reliability and performance, are ready for shipment. To ensure their safe transportation, each motor has been carefully packaged with protective measures. First, they are individually wrapped in plastic to shield them from any external damage. Next, they are placed in small wooden crates, providing an additional layer of protection during transit.

In addition to the individual packaging, the motors are grouped into sets of two, which are then securely placed in two large wooden crates. These crates have been reinforced with multiple steel plates on each side, enhancing their structural integrity and providing additional protection against impact.

The packaging process has been designed to withstand the rigors of transportation, including potential vibrations and handling during loading and unloading. By utilizing sturdy wooden crates and reinforcing them with steel plates, the shipment ensures that the ZQ-21 motors arrive in pristine condition at their destination.

ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors

ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors

ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors

ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors

ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors

ZQ-21 Mining DC Traction Motors