2.5-Ton Battery Xiangtan Electric Locomotives Sent to Overseas

2.5-Ton Battery Xiangtan Electric Locomotives

2.5-Ton Battery Xiangtan Electric Locomotives Sent to Overseas.

In a stride towards global mining advancements, two sets of 2.5-ton battery Xiangtan electric locomotives, along with their essential accessories, are en route to mines overseas. These electric locomotives, purpose-built for mining applications, signify a shift towards eco-friendly and high-performance solutions. Operators can anticipate enhanced efficiency with features like adjustable speed control and robust battery capacity.

2.5-Ton Battery Xiangtan Electric Locomotives

2.5-Ton Battery Xiangtan Electric Locomotives

2.5-Ton Battery Xiangtan Electric Locomotives

2.5-Ton Battery Xiangtan Electric Locomotives